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Post: Capturing Joy: MAITRIX Productions at the World Happiness Summit

Capturing Joy: MAITRIX Productions at the World Happiness Summit


In March 2024, the vibrant South Bank of London became the focal point of global discussions on happiness and wellbeing, thanks to the World Happiness Summit (WOHASU). MAITRIX Productions was at the helm of capturing and broadcasting this pivotal event, employing a wide array of multimedia techniques to ensure the summit’s messages reached a worldwide audience.

The Challenge

The World Happiness Summit gathers thought leaders, activists, and practitioners from around the globe to explore the science and philosophy behind happiness. The challenge was not just to capture the speeches but to convey the atmosphere, the interactions, and the profound impacts of the discussions—a task perfectly suited to the capabilities of MAITRIX Productions.

The Approach

MAITRIX Productions deployed its full arsenal of production tools and expertise to cover WOHASU comprehensively. This included live-streamed interviews, capturing keynotes, and roaming cameras that documented the spontaneous moments and interactions that define the summit’s spirit.

Live-Streamed WOHASU TV

One of the highlights was WOHASU TV, a live-streamed channel that featured interviews and discussions throughout the summit. Anchored by experienced hosts, this channel provided insights and summaries, making the summit’s content accessible to those who could not attend in person.

Podcasting and Video Capture in the Purcell Room

In the iconic Purcell Room, MAITRIX Productions set up a studio environment where podcast episodes and detailed discussions were filmed. These sessions allowed deeper dives into specific topics, with experts sharing cutting-edge research and personal anecdotes related to happiness and wellbeing.

Capturing the General Ambiance

With roving camera teams, MAITRIX Productions captured the essence of the summit beyond the main stages. These segments included informal discussions among attendees, reactions to sessions, and the overall vibrancy of the event, all of which contributed to a fuller understanding of the summit’s impact.

The Technology

Utilizing the latest in camera and streaming technology, MAITRIX ensured that every frame broadcast was of the highest quality. Innovations like mobile streaming units and on-the-fly editing suites allowed for a dynamic presentation style, catering to the fast-paced nature of the summit.

The Impact

The comprehensive coverage by MAITRIX Productions not only extended the reach of the World Happiness Summit but also amplified its impact. Viewers from around the world tuned in to WOHASU TV, engaged with the live streams, and later accessed the recordings, creating an ongoing legacy for the event’s content.

Viewer Engagement

The interactive elements of the live streams, such as real-time Q&A sessions and social media integration, allowed viewers to participate actively in the discussions. This level of engagement transformed passive viewers into active participants, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the summit.


MAITRIX Productions’ coverage of the World Happiness Summit is a testament to the power of multimedia to bridge distances and bring global communities together in the pursuit of a common goal. The success of this event highlights the studio’s commitment to excellence and innovation in live event production.

Looking Forward

Inspired by the success at WOHASU, MAITRIX Productions is motivated to continue exploring new frontiers in live event coverage, ensuring that each event they handle is not only seen but felt, engaging audiences on both an intellectual and emotional level.